Tuesday, February 27, 2007
I lourve Paris!
I Lourve Paris!
Move over hilton, here I come...It was last September which I made it a plan to visit Paris in one year's time. So far things has been on my side. I will visit Paris earlier. In March. Compared to my previous visit to France Le Harve and St Nazaire, this time is purely holiday. It's the liberation that i'm looking into.Careful planning on the dates has been set. 19 March to 3 April. I wil be flying with Air France. Sorry Singapore Girl, you are not that friendly when it comes to travelling alone. Going around Paris is easy from La Grande Arche, Champ de Elysees, Tour de Eiffel, both side of the river Seine where all the museums like The Louvre, Musee d'Orsay, gardens and places like Monmarte, Rambuteau, Marais and back to my friends' house over at Champigny! Not forgetting the outskirts places which I'm gona go like Versailles and Disneyland (David Y, where is my disneyland tickets you promised. I'm still waiting for it!). Also shopping places including the flea market! Goodness i don't have much time. Nor money for that matter. As a security. I have gotten myself a medium luggage so I can't have much space for other things in there. I'm pretty much ready with my jackets, new passport, new tuxedo, photocopies of everything valuable you name it. I'm all ready except for my insurance application which will be done in few days time. Security is also a concern there. What da heck. Gonna keep my stash in my underpants. No. I'll be in near Nirvana if someone were to touch there. Yes money bag. Karen gonna lent me hers! In between those dates, 22 - 27 March I will be London to attend my best friend's wedding. Freddie & Tony. It'll be a once in a lifetime affair or event of the lifetime. Who else gonna hold a grand wedding on a posh countyside in UK? 3 or 4 tiered real; wedding cake. Harp musician. Fresh flowers. Banquets. Reception in the day till evening disco and light buffet in wee morning! Sex is not included! Just joking. It's not in the agenda. No no. I have Mr D. I think. I will still be contactable via a french mobile no. Can't help not keeping in touch with the world where everythign is my my mobile.
spoke at : 16:10
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Life is wonderful isn't it
To add on to where I had left, I have and will be clearing all the bad karmas.
Now that I have something, and someone especially, to look forward to, I can't wait. It's pretty unbelievably too fast of a phase. Yes but if you guys don't mind, I like to move on with life. That is what most important now. To be in focus. No one can help me but myself isn't it? You? Don't think so. Thank you v much.
spoke at : 11:53